Canada has recently been listed as the number one country globally in terms of quality of life by the US
News and World Report 2020 poll. It has a healthy political structure, a safe financial system (saying that
it is the world's first) and a clean climate. It has general nutritional health and a sound system of public
education. Moreover, Toronto, Canada's largest city, has emerged as one of North America's top five
talent markets. Briefly, Canada is the right country and has announced plans to expand the number of
immigrants, including more entrepreneurs, next year.
The expected immigrant entrepreneur must create a sustainable business proposal to fulfil the due
diligence criteria of the designated agency approved by the government as to how the programme runs.
Translation – Three alternatives are available:
1) be admitted into a company incubator network that partners for you to plan a project business plan.
The incubator tends to be the most common alternative. It typically entails the incubator costing around
US$ 70,000 ($100,000 Canadian) from the incubator contractor. This includes partnering with the
incubator community to complete the roadmap for some time in Canada. The schedule itself takes
about four to six months, or
2) Get funding from a government-appointed angel investor group to invest up to US$ 60,000
(Canadian$75,000) in your project or or
3) Get government funding from a consortium of venture capital funds who spend just over 150,000 US$
(200,000 Canadian dollars) on your business.
In any event, you, as an entrepreneur, have at least 10% of the voting shares of the Canadian business to
be interested in the project and must actively participate in the management of the new company in
Canada. No other person can own 50% or more of the voting shares in the company.
If you satisfy these conditions, you receive from your supporting party a letter of encouragement or an
engagement certificate that will open your immigration doors to Canadians. It will take approximately
18 months for you to process your permanent resident visa application via a letter of support or a
pledge certificate. If you have received the letter of encouragement or certificate of engagement, you
can seek a short-term work visa for work with your business in Canada. Your partner will still obtain an
unrestricted work permit, and your children are free to go to kindergarten. Within only three months of
admission, you also receive free healthcare.

Semotiuk, A. (2020, April 14). Canada's Start Up Visa Best For Many Immigrant Entrepreneurs.
Retrieved November 10, 2020, from