Advantages and Disadvantages of the Remote Working for Employees

Remote working is not a new way of employment; This method has been used for many years in the most developed countries and its successful results have been proven. Due to the pandemic, most technology companies were switched to Remote Works recently.
Of course, with the development of digital solutions such as videoconferencing, mobile applications, and Cloud platforms, remote work has benefits for both employers and employees. Reduction in costs of commuting, floating working hours, having more hours to spend with friends and family, reducing work-related stress, opportunities to continue education, and building a positive impact on reducing traffic and congestion in cities, are some of the benefits of remote works.
However, Remote working methods can also have disadvantages. Although you can easily interact with co-workers and clients via technology, it’s not the same as face-to-face communication. Lack of suitable space at home to work, feel isolated, less contact with society, and changes in the body’s regular hours for the rest, are some of the drawbacks of remote works.